Our mission is to improve the lives of underserved people by building innovative and responsible financial solutions.



Since our founding, Accion has reached 440 million underserved people globally.



Accion has helped build 267 financial service providers operating across 75 countries.



In 2023 , 42.1 million people were actively using solutions provided by our financial service provider partners.

Financial services are powerful tools to help reduce poverty and create opportunity

a farmer tends to her plants in Odisha, India

We find and help build innovative companies with the potential to reach large numbers of underserved people and accelerate their growth by investing capital and providing strategic governance and advice.

Maria, a client of Genesis in Guatemala

We work with partners to create affordable digital solutions that build clients’ financial health and well-being. Accion Advisory leverages expertise in digital technologies to design, test, and deploy new financial products and services. 

Jihan Abass working with Lami employees in Kenya

We conduct in-depth research and share our learnings to advance responsible financial solutions and systems. The Center for Financial Inclusion, an independent think tank housed at Accion, focuses on consumer protection, women’s economic inclusion, data risks and opportunities, and climate change. 

Our History

Over 60 years of impact

Since 1961, we have led the way in inclusive finance, shaping companies that provide responsible financial solutions to millions of people globally.

Accion History Teaser
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Support our work

Will you join us?

Today, after decades of improvement, global poverty and inequality are on the rise, making our mission more urgent than ever.

Help women thrive

Sarah at her shoe business in Kampala
Make a gift today to help us support women and women-led businesses around the world.