As financial service providers (FSPs) continue to digitize, cybersecurity is critical to ensure that both providers and customers are adequately protected from cyber threats and the irreparable damages a successful cyber breach can cause. It is also equally important for FSPs to build the necessary resilience to respond to and recover from cyberattacks. To support financial providers in this journey, especially those serving low-income customers, we have collated industry learnings and best practices for strengthening cybersecurity into a practical toolkit, broken down into five key recommendations:

  1. Build secure apps
  2. Test regularly for breaches
  3. Create a culture of cybersecurity awareness rooted in strong organizational design
  4. Build a resilient technology environment
  5. Strengthen cybersecurity with partnerships

Are you seeking a better understanding of how to mitigate cyber risks and improve your information security practices? Download our toolkit to access our recommendations for building your organization’s cyber resilience.

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